Worthiness: The key to Manifesting

Worthiness is the TOPIC, the topic of my life, and something that I have struggled with for a long time and I am still trying to figure out why. It has taken me over a month to write this blog post and it’s still very hard for me to admit that worthiness is something I struggle with.  

At the point in time when I first started scripting , I was working 2, sometimes 3 jobs 6 days out of the week, while I worked endlessly I was still constantly worrying about money, not to mention I was miserable at one of these jobs (a very toxic work environment) and I felt uncomfortable in my body as I had gained weight my first year in college. 

When I began scripting, I was not seeing results. I was confused and wondered what I was doing wrong for me not to be receiving what I wanted (exactly the opposite of what I had).

This is where worthiness comes in. 

Consistently people who speak of manifestation all kind of say the same thing 

  1. Be grateful for your current situation 

  2. Figure out what you want

  3. Feel the feelings that you would feel once you have what you are manifesting 

  4. Let it go/surrender 

I always approached gratitude from a place of guilt, I felt like I HAD TO BE GRATEFUL because other people had less and I had everything that I truly needed. I had to be happy and satisfied with what I had.  I forced myself into gratitude and felt an icky gross feeling when I had the desire for “more than just enough.” So this was not gratitude, this was pure guilt, and while I knew that I wanted more, I did not believe I deserved more.  I did not feel like I was worthy of having all that I wanted. 

I kept myself in a constant loop of “this is good enough and eventually, it will get better.”. 

Worthiness and your perception of worthiness have been shaped throughout your life by the people that surround you. 

Limiting beliefs come into play here, maybe you believe you are worthy of certain things like having a nice job, having a car, and all your basic necessities, but anything outside of this seems too good to be true.

Consciously you can say “I would love to have my dream job where I can work from anywhere in the world and set my own hours,” or “I want to manifest my dream relationship,” or “I want this brand new car,” and you could very genuinely have these desires within you.

BUT do you subconsciously feel worthy of them?  And you could be thinking “well, duh this is why I want it in the first place.” Worthiness goes deeper than your desires and can be either fast-tracking your manifestations or pushing them away. 

And it’s not like one day you’re going to figure out that you have an issue around worthiness and the next day it’s gone, you really have to figure out where it stems from. When was the first time someone made you feel unworthy?

Until I acknowledged my issues around worthiness was when I was able to begin seeing all my manifestations in my reality. 

It took me taking a step back being grateful for the things in my life that were good because of my current situation, really figuring out what I wanted, and asking myself those hard questions.

What type of people do I associate with my desire and what makes me similar or different from them? 

If this is possible for others why don’t I feel it is possible for me? 

What has happened in my life that has led me to believe this? 

What can I do today to rewrite my beliefs and remind myself that I am worthy?

Something that has been helpful for me was thinking of me as if I was a friend. I would be devastated if a friend of mine felt unworthy and of course I would do everything in my power to remind her of why she is so great and deserves everything good in the world. 

When I took those sad parts of myself and welcomed them in, when I started to treat myself as a friend, everything changed.

You are worthy and you deserve to have all that you desire. 

Remember that.

With all this being said I would like to have an open conversation on worthiness.

What have you felt unworthy of? Are you working through this? 

DM @vibrayvida on Instagram. 

Love, Vibra


Picture of Viridiana Bravo

Viridiana Bravo

Founder of Vibra &Vida

Be Vibrant✨

The most VIBRANT version of you is unapologetically herself. She knows what she wants and she follows her joy on her way to getting it. She is sure of herself, she is sure that whatever situation she finds herself in , it’s teaching her something preparing her for her next level. The most VIBRANT version of you honors your true desires, because they were planted in you for a reason. Being VIBRANT means you shine from within because you know you’re worthy and that you can have it all.

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