June is my birth month, this June 27th I will be celebrating 22 years of life. I can say that in this present moment I am the happiest I have ever been.
If you read my Spiritual Awakening blog post you know that 2019 was the year that I started practicing spirituality, gratitude, and mindfulness. When I look back at the other 20 years of my life, for most of them I was just trying to get through the day.
Waiting for life to begin
If I was in school I kept waiting for 3:45 pm and for the weekend and counting down the days for summer. During summer I would count down the days for school because I was bored out of my mind at home. Eventually, I waited for high school graduation and started the countdown for college, and well it goes on, at work waiting for my shift to be over, in class waiting to be dismissed, I was rushing through life and waiting for those little moments of bliss. I was always in a state of constant waiting and in countdown mode, “living for the weekend,” and whatever else was not in my present moment. And let me tell you that waiting gets OLD-pretty soon I started asking myself “What is this all for?” “What is my purpose for being here?” “Is it always going to be like this?” I do not think I was living life for myself, I was not fulfilled, and more than anything I was confused. I had this belief that it would all be okay once I figured out what I wanted to do with my life.
2019 was also the year I had to begin thinking about my career after college. I felt like some people were so sure of themselves, and they knew their path, they wanted to be a lawyer or a doctor or a teacher. The thought of choosing any one career path for 40+ years and then retiring terrified me, I felt purposeful-less and lost.
The Truth
Let me just skip to the good part full of the realizations- CAREER DOES NOT EQUAL PURPOSE. I have had countless conversations with people associating their purpose in life to their job, and for a long time, I thought the same way. If you are a car salesperson it does not mean that your purpose is selling cars. Can your career be fulfilling your purpose? Yes, it can but it does not have to.
Your work is not your life, we were not put on this Earth to work into exhaustion and pay bills. That is definitely not your purpose. I personally believe we have more than one purpose, but there is one true purpose that every human being has in common which is… to experience joy. That’s it. It is your birthright to be happy and have a joyful experience here on Earth, and if that is all you commit your life to then that’s perfectly fine.
Purpose in everyday
I also love to think about the idea that your purpose can change daily, by the hour, or at any moment. Maybe your purpose today is to have a conversation with someone that sets them on a new life path. Or your purpose could be to give a compliment or a thank you to someone who is having a bad day and just trying to hold it together.
So RELAX your purpose does not have to be one end all be all, definitive no going back decision. Please breathe and realize that your only requirement is joy.
And yes this sounds like a very fairytale scenario and I know there are bills to pay and we can focus on all the things that are going wrong and all that needs to be fixed on this Earth- I get caught up in all that too sometimes. But the truth is that the more at peace you are in your mind, the more you work on yourself and discover who you are, and let ease flow into your life and take the weight of the world off your shoulders the more you will be able to help others in practical attainable ways(and you will manifest easier too.)
If you do your best to leave this world better than how you found it then that’s just an added win!
I hope this gave you some peace of mind and took some stress off of the big question.
Remember to live your VIDA, “un dia a la vez.”
Thank you!
Love, Vibra
I have recently been exploring and learning about Dharma: (Buddhism and Hinduism) your cosmic order or universal truth; your truest potential
Or “a certain way of living and being that is aligned with the grand plan for humanity.”-danielleraine.com
I first heard of it in a podcast featuring Sahara Rose. Sahara has a book named Discover your Dharma, she also discusses 9 archetypes and has a free archetype quiz that will give you some insight into your passions and how you express them.