The Beauty of Self-Development: Learning from the Growth and Blossoming of Flowers

Last week the journal prompt in the weekly newsletter was to write about your favorite flower and to figure out its meaning.
I’ve always loved the metaphors around flowers, flowers growing through concrete. How it can represent resilience and life still peeking through a lifeless place.
I love how flowers blossom and how they grow in the direction of the light, how plants in general if you play nice music to them and tell them kind words they bloom and grow and become more beautiful. The idea of planting seeds and letting them grow roots, and how from one day to the next a bud can turn into a great big flower.
Flowers and florals have always had a special place in my heart, they symbolize life in every aspect for me. Growth, stagnancy, needs, beauty, and death. And even in their death, the beauty of flowers remains.
They are a wholesome gift, they liven up any space, and the nature of flowers themselves is Vibrant.
When they die they take with them any negative energy in the area they were in.
Flowers grace everyone with their beauty and when they’re gone they leave everyone with an impact.
I want to be a flower.
Life is full circle, and if you pay attention you will listen to the whispers of the universe, from God. The signs.
Alex and I went to pick up some coffee on Sunday and the barista asked me, “If you could be a flower, what flower would you be and why?”
I said peonies because they symbolize good luck, and wealth but also compassion.
And as I answered her it felt like it was a nod from the Universe, from God sending this person asking a version of my prompt, my question to myself, it felt like an, “I see you.”
I could write it off and say it was a coincidence or I could take it as a sign to keep following my heart. Little moments like this bring me peace, that everything is connected and that girl, doesn’t know how her one question mattered so much to me. It made me stop and feel.
I want you to notice just how well things are working out for you, in the smallest of ways and in the big ways.
Your life experience is designed for you, live your life on purpose. Always look for those little moments that feel like magic.✨ Life becomes a lot more fun.
Sharing your ideas is planting the seeds, watering your garden is taking care of yourself, growth comes with shedding and letting go, and blossoming is the end result.
We can bloom together.
“no rain, no flowers.”
Picture of Viridiana Bravo

Viridiana Bravo

Founder of Vibra &Vida

Be Vibrant✨

The most VIBRANT version of you is unapologetically herself. She knows what she wants and she follows her joy on her way to getting it. She is sure of herself, she is sure that whatever situation she finds herself in , it’s teaching her something preparing her for her next level. The most VIBRANT version of you honors your true desires, because they were planted in you for a reason. Being VIBRANT means you shine from within because you know you’re worthy and that you can have it all.

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