How to Have a Vibrant Week: Start with a Monday Ritual

Are you tired of feeling like your weeks are passing you by without any real sense of accomplishment or progress? Do you wish you could feel more energized and inspired on a daily basis? The key to having a vibrant week is to start with a Monday ritual that sets the tone for the rest of your days.

Here are some steps you can take to make the most of your Mondays and create a vibrant week:

Make it your Monday Ritual.

Reflect on the last week. What went right?

Make a “Good Things That Happened List.”

  • List it Out

  • List it Out

  • List it Out

  • List it Out

  • List it Out

  • List it Out

How do you feel right now?

How do you want to feel at the end of this week?

Write yourself a reminder you can come back to if you feel stuck this week.

What do you want to embody this week?

Pick your Focus for the week.

Is it your Health, is it Rest, is it showing up for yourself?- You decide.

  1. Reflect on the last week: Before you can move forward, it’s important to look back and evaluate what went well and what could have gone better. Take a few minutes to think about your successes and challenges from the previous week.

  2. Make a “Good Things That Happened List”: Next, make a list of all the positive experiences, accomplishments, and happy moments from the past week. This exercise will help you focus on the good things and build momentum for the week ahead.

  3. List it out: Write down your list in a notebook, planner or on your phone, whichever you find most comfortable. Writing it down solidifies your thoughts and makes it easier to refer back to later.

  4. Check-in with your feelings: After you’ve reflected and made your list, take a moment to check in with your emotions. How do you feel right now? Are you excited, motivated, and energized? Or are you feeling tired, overwhelmed, and stressed? Being aware of your emotions can help you make adjustments and set intentions for the week ahead.

  5. Write yourself a reminder: If you feel stuck or unmotivated during the week, write yourself a reminder to refer back to. This can be a quote, a mantra, or a simple note of encouragement to help you stay focused and inspired.

  6. Decide what you want to embody: Think about the qualities or traits you want to embody this week. Do you want to be more patient, kind, or confident? When you have a clear intention for the week, you can make choices that align with that goal.

  7. Pick your focus: Finally, choose one area of your life that you want to prioritize this week. Maybe it’s your health, your rest, or your personal growth. Whatever it is, make a plan and take action to make progress in that area.

By following these steps, you can create a Monday ritual that sets the tone for a vibrant and productive week. Don’t underestimate the power of reflection, intention, and focus in helping you achieve your goals and live your best life!



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Picture of Viridiana Bravo

Viridiana Bravo

Founder of Vibra &Vida

Be Vibrant✨

The most VIBRANT version of you is unapologetically herself. She knows what she wants and she follows her joy on her way to getting it. She is sure of herself, she is sure that whatever situation she finds herself in , it’s teaching her something preparing her for her next level. The most VIBRANT version of you honors your true desires, because they were planted in you for a reason. Being VIBRANT means you shine from within because you know you’re worthy and that you can have it all.

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