What is energy and where can I get some?

We often think of energy as the driving force to get us through the day, what keeps us going until it’s FINALLY time to get back in bed. 

We try to receive energy from our coffee, our energy drinks, from getting enough sleep, and sometimes that works and sometimes it feels like no amount of coffee, energy drinks, or sleep you get you still feel unenergized, tired and can barely keep your eyes open. 

I stopped at Starbucks the other day for my weekly vanilla sweet cream cold brew, and I happened to be yawning as I pulled up to the drive-through and the barista greets me with “Tired?” For the sake of moving the line along and also because I was late for work, “ I nodded, and he said “ AREN’T WE ALL,” with a huge smile on his face. Um, cringe. I do not like playing into the idea that WE ALL are tired and that that’s just how it has to be.

There are situations, people, events, that suck the life out of you, literally. They are known as “energy vampires.” Search it up it’s very interesting (and it will make you want to be even more cautious of who you spend your time with).                                                                            

Everything is energy, this is not just a statement- it’s science. SO, I have a theory for you, but first, this is how I came to my conclusions.

5 am Club

Recently I have been participating in the 5 am clubME the girl who just a few years ago would miss her 10:30 am classes because she could not get out of bed. 

I always thought people who participated in the 5 am club were crazy, but I was always secretly jealous and wondered HOW in the world they had the motivation and energy to wake up THAT early. 

I kept hearing about the 5 am club everywhere, it was all over my Instagram feed, my for you page and everywhere I turned it was 5 am this, 5 am that. I talked myself out of it, telling myself, “That’s cool that it works for them, but it’s not for me,” and “I am already tired waking up at 7. How am I supposed to wake up even earlier?  I deserve all the sleep I can get.” 

Since I am in a new chapter in my life where I am trying to get out of my comfort zone, I decided to try it. What’s one day out of the rest of my lifetime? If I didn’t like it I just would not keep doing it. 

To my surprise, I did not feel significantly more tired than I did every other day, and I was very confused

This is when I realized that just as there are “energy vampires,” there are “energy-givers.” Now, this is definitely not my concept- there’s plenty of cute graphics on Pinterest of energy givers already BUT they are different for everyone. 

I realized for me writing, reading, watching the sunrise, how I feel after working out, were my personal energy givers to mention a few. 

My new energy-giving morning routine:

5:00 am 

Wake up, brush my teeth

Affirmations in front of the mirror

Quick stretch 

Gratitude journal 333 method. 

-3 things I am grateful for

-3 affirmations

-3 things I am manifesting

6:00 am

1 chapter of my current book

Working on my personal projects

7:00 am

Getting ready for the day at my own pace.

A lot of the time we also feel tired because throughout our day we are in such a rush trying to catch up and accomplish everything on our to-do list. Waking up at 5 am, or 6 am has given me the opportunity to have a slower pace and has given me the freedom to do those things that are just fun for me. I get to start off my day on a good note and after work, I have even more freedom and energy because I have already done what’s important for me, what makes my heart happy. 

This isn’t propaganda for you to join the 5 am club, or to stop drinking coffee and energy drinks. This is to remind you that doing a combination of things that make your heart happy will fill you up with energy as no coffee or energy drink can.

And remind yourself that you don’t have to be at 100% battery charge ALL the time, rest is productive and necessary. 

Learn the difference between rest and resistance, resistance can masquerade as laziness and distract you from ultimately doing those very things that will help you get closer to accomplishing your dreams. 

Ask yourself:

  1. Am I really tired or am I not doing anything that is only for me and my happiness? 

  2. How do I feel after hanging out with this person? Motivated and Energized or Drained and Unfulfilled 

  3. What’s something new I can try that has always called my attention? 

If you want practical tips that you can start implementing today, here they are ⬇️

Practical tips to shift your mindset and feel more energized:

  • Stop saying “I AM SO TIRED/SLEEPY.” (what you focus on you create more of)

  • Pay attention to those people/situations in your life that are “energy vampires” –RUN in the other direction

  • Make it a point to at least once in your day do something that gives you energy 

  • Try a new morning routine/nightly routine it might just be your new thing 

All I’m saying is try it and you might be surprised. 🙂

Hope this helped! 

Connect with me on Instagram @vibrayvida 💛

Love, Vibra

Picture of Viridiana Bravo

Viridiana Bravo

Founder of Vibra &Vida

Be Vibrant✨

The most VIBRANT version of you is unapologetically herself. She knows what she wants and she follows her joy on her way to getting it. She is sure of herself, she is sure that whatever situation she finds herself in , it’s teaching her something preparing her for her next level. The most VIBRANT version of you honors your true desires, because they were planted in you for a reason. Being VIBRANT means you shine from within because you know you’re worthy and that you can have it all.

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