Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone As A Form Of Manifesting

I had a photoshoot with my friend @audreybphotofilm this photoshoot was in the works for OVER A YEAR.

I kept putting it off because

  • I didn’t feel pretty enough

  • I didn’t have the perfect location

  • I hadn’t lost the weight I told myself I needed to lose

  • Who was I to do a branding shoot for my passion

  •  What would everyone think about me doing a semi-topless photo (A photo I’ve been wanting to do for YEARS)

This is what I repeated to myself for over a year. I was **afraid,** afraid to get out of my comfort zone.

So I reminded myself that as long as I kept operating from who I am right now, I am never going to be who I want to be.  People are never going to see me as her and I’ll stay stuck.

I owed it to my past self, the one who would never think of a photo shoot as an investment because of my scarcity mindset, the one who never let herself have anything nice other than what was necessary.

I owed it to the future version of me, who I am sure sees me as brave and proud I took the small steps.

I felt so awkward, I felt not enough, but I did it.

Listen to any Manifestation gurus and they will say, “You first have to feel grateful for what you are trying to manifest, you have to believe that it’s already yours,” or something along the lines.

This is where most people give up, where I have given up SO. MANY. TIMES.

How am I supposed to be grateful and believe I already have something that feels so far away?

The simple act of wondering what life would be like if you had more money, more friends, less stress, or less responsibility requires you to step out of your comfort zone, even it it’s in your head.

Just for a second close your eyes and let yourself go there- the place where you are happier, where peace is the norm.

If this isn’t your everyday reality, CONGRATS!

You have just realized you are in your comfort zone.

Making the decision, that you want the vision that you can see in your head, is making the decision that you are going to explore beyond the limits you are used to.

Vision+ Action = Manifestation

Therefore any step big or small is you manifesting your dream life.

Getting out of your comfort zone could look like giving a stranger a compliment that leads to a conversation that lands you an opportunity that you have been praying for YEARS!

It can look like buying that dress you have been eyeing, or taking a dance class.

I can’t promise you it won’t feel icky or awkward at first but if there is something you desire, trust that it’s for a reason and that you are worth at least trying, you owe yourself that.

Getting out of your comfort zone is the only way you grow, and if you don’t make your own decision to do it sooner than later, trust that the Universe, God, and Life will certainly do it for you.

Try this Journal Prompt to discover where you’re currently placing limits on yourself.

What is something you have always wanted to do that scares you because it’s out of your comfort zone? How can you get one step closer to facing it?

Happy Manifesting,

Picture of Viridiana Bravo

Viridiana Bravo

Founder of Vibra &Vida

Be Vibrant✨

The most VIBRANT version of you is unapologetically herself. She knows what she wants and she follows her joy on her way to getting it. She is sure of herself, she is sure that whatever situation she finds herself in , it’s teaching her something preparing her for her next level. The most VIBRANT version of you honors your true desires, because they were planted in you for a reason. Being VIBRANT means you shine from within because you know you’re worthy and that you can have it all.

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