From “autopilot” to living in MAGIC✨ 3 gratitude practices you can start RIGHT NOW!

With our everyday responsibilities it’s easy to fall into routines and start running on autopilot.

Making it on time to school, work and our everyday commitments, we forget that there is everyday magic happening to make every second of your life possible. 

What does it mean to be running on autopilot” ? (Based on my experience:)

Autopilot vs living in MAGIC✨

When you’re on autopilot:

  • You’re living without intention

  • You go through the motions in life 

  • You probably dread waking up in the morning 

  • You are consistently waiting for the next thing- the weekend ,a trip, a special event 

  • Constantly looking at the clock 

  • Doing what you think you have to do instead of what you want to do 

  • You spend time mindlessly scrolling social media or binge watching 

  • You do things others are doing even if they don’t feel good 

  • You don’t question anything, you just do

  • You feel empty and inexplicably sad


When you are living in magic✨

  • You try new things out

  • You are excited for the possibility of another day

  • You are in flow– the time passes by quickly 

  • You feel everything deeply- the “good” and the “bad”

  • You are living in the present moment

  • You question societal norms 

  • You do what feels good 

  • You educate yourself on topics you genuinely care about 

  • You spend time in nature and realize its beauty

  • You have a feeling of peace  


How do you get out of running on autopilot? 

Well you’re reading this! So if you identify with any of the bullet points above  then the first step is finding where in your own experience do you feel like you’re not being the most authentic, where are you settling and distracting yourself? 

When I realized I was living in “autopilot”:

For the most part I was happy. I had already done inner work and began gratitude practices. I would hold it together for the majority of the day. I went to work, to class, to the gym, did my homework, got stuff done, I kept myself distracted constantly.  It worked for me for a long time and then once in a while I would be all alone in my apartment, and I would be cooking and I would drop a bowl on the floor (one time I dropped my tortilla) and I would burst out crying, and not just a tear, CRYING. My frustration would come out ALL AT ONCE.

It was not that I was necessarily going through a “bad” experience, I was just not living in joy, I was just existing, but not living with intention.

We are not supposed to be living dull lives settling for only feeling good once in a while. You’re not supposed to be distracting your way through life hoping that one day it’s all going to be worth it. 

No one can do it for you, you are in-charge of making your life what you want it to be.

What it takes is to start romanticizing your life, is you romanticizing your life. 

For me it started with gratitude, it’s really the foundation for living a fulfilling life. Gratitude is the driving force for happiness, emotions are attached to gratitude. 

It’s important to remember that someone could have everything you dream of and if they are not living in gratitude, even if it’s considered a “dream life,” they won’t be fulfilled. Meanwhile someone with “just enough” can be grateful for everything they have and live  a whole and complete fulfilling life. 

I learned to be grateful for the sun, for the air that I breathe, for my car, for my body, my legs that get me where I need to go. For all the hands and people who were involved in the process of getting the avocado I’m eating on my plate. 

When you start seeing everything in the lens of gratitude, your life changes, all you have to do is… notice it.

At any given moment you can be grateful, be grateful for that job you did not get , be grateful for that thing that didn’t work out. 

Once you live in gratitude your perspective of life changes, gratitude opens the door to joy, and that is when you break out of autopilot you finally stop and smell the roses and you see all the magic that’s happening behind the scenes.  

When you break out of autopilot you will value your time like never before, you will realize that you deserve EVERYTHING, and you start living with intention. 

Your homework:

1.During the first 30 minutes after you wake up:

Say out-loud or write 3 things you’re grateful for 

2.During the 30 minutes before you go to bed :

Say out-loud or write 3 things you’re grateful that happened today 

3.Before you do anything, set an intention.


Sending an email: 

I set the intention that this email is going to reach the person I am sending it to, they will be delighted to hear from me and I will receive a timely response. Thank you Universe.

Going on a walk:

I set the intention that during this walk, I will feel peace, I am safe and protected and I will admire nature.

Before going shopping:

I set the intention that I am finding exactly what I am looking for, this (product) will bring so much ease into my life. 

Watch your life change! 

Love, Vibra 🤍

Picture of Viridiana Bravo

Viridiana Bravo

Founder of Vibra &Vida

Be Vibrant✨

The most VIBRANT version of you is unapologetically herself. She knows what she wants and she follows her joy on her way to getting it. She is sure of herself, she is sure that whatever situation she finds herself in , it’s teaching her something preparing her for her next level. The most VIBRANT version of you honors your true desires, because they were planted in you for a reason. Being VIBRANT means you shine from within because you know you’re worthy and that you can have it all.

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