
Where the heart meets words.

The Beauty of Self-Development: Learning from the Growth and Blossoming of Flowers

This blog post explores the beauty of self-development through the lens of nature and flower metaphors. The author expresses their love for flowers and how they symbolize life in every aspect. They discuss the growth, stagnancy, needs, beauty, and death associated with flowers and how their beauty remains even in death. The post shares a personal experience of a meaningful encounter with a barista, where the author felt like it was a nod from the universe, which reminded them to keep following their heart. The post concludes with a message of living life on purpose, noticing the small moments that feel like magic, and the importance of shedding and letting go to bloom.

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I Stopped Manifesting

I didn’t know how to approach this topic for a long time but last week’s episode really helped me realize what I suspected all along.

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How To Start Journaling

I started journaling in 2019, my grandma has just passed away and I was in a sad place, my friends @molly_robbins and @_mgenesis11 and I went on a target

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